Friday, September 17, 2010

#8. Pulp Fiction Rip

This story involves a criminal kingpin, 2 hitmen, and a boxer. The lives of the characters end up getting intertwined. The film is not always shot in sequence with the plot and leaves many questions to the viewer. Quentin Tarantino has been interviewed on many occassions as to what's really in the briefcase. Some people say it's Wallace's soul (explaining why he has the band-aid on the back of his neck in an early scene.) Others think it's just simply cash,drugs,or dirty laundry. This is one of the best films of all time in my opinion. I would rank it a 10/10 and it's definately in my top 10 movies. If you've never seen it (Don't know if that's possible unless your a caveman) I would highly reccomend it. With this all star cast how could it be anything but god tier?

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